Social Media

Twitter Launched an Alexa App will Read Your Timeline

Written by prodigitalweb

Twitter’s App – Alexa

Twitter has launched an app called Alexa which tends to read your timeline together with other account information. Alexa is equivalent to Amazon’s Siri, a voice assistant platform, which several users tend to use through the Amazon Echo speaker. It had been announced by Twitter regarding the adding of the Twitter Reader to the skills of Alexa, recently The voice assistant, according to Tech Crunch, tends to read your Twitter Timeline, Retweets, Mentions and Likes, together with more general details regarding trends in various locations.

When it is turned on, the Twitter Reader has a tendency to authenticate your account and all one needs to do is to learn some super basic commands. The app is launched by speaking `Alexa, open Twitter’. Though some have been doubtful regarding the existence of Alexa when Amazon Echo was released in the early 2015, with the addition of Twitter Reader, it could be seen as a sign of its approval.

In comparison to Siri or Google Now’s assistant, Alexa is said to be completely screen-free though it tends to play music, read the weather, order online as well as read your Tweet feed. With over three million speakers sold by April this year, the Amazon Echo seemed to be a surprise success among the consumers.


Authenticate Twitter Account to Get Started

White Twitter seems to be brief by nature, having to read one’s timeline loud by a robot tends to sound just like it would take more time than scrolling through feeds on the phone. Now Amazon Alexa tends to read them to you.

With the app for Amazon’s voice platform Alexa, one can listen to the latest from Twitter right on your Echo speaker or any other Alexa powered device. The latest app is said to provide general details on trends or conveys information from one’s own account, according to Twitter.

As per the description of the app, one would need to authenticate the Twitter account to get started. Together with the other App Skills, one would have to learn how to request for items by saying things like `Alexa, ask Twitter for my own tweets; it ask Twitter has anyone retweeted me? Alexa ask Twitter for my Mentions; Alexa ask Twitter what is happening and much more.

Rising Importance of Voice Computing Platform

Besides this, the app also tends to offer additional general information from the services of Twitter such as the present trends or the local trends which means that trends for your specific area for instance `Alexa ask Twitter for trends in Seattle’.

Not all of this appeared to be mostly efficient means of consuming the rapid-fire information which was published to the network of Twitter. However, the fact remains that Twitter felt the need to launch an app on Alex, seems to speak the rising importance of the voice computing platform of Amazon in the lives of the consumers.

As of June, according to Amazon there were tens of thousands of developers operating on Skills for Alexa, where the app store is said to have increased to house more than 1,400 of these add-ons. One can change on the latest Twitter Skill in the Alexa app on the web or the mobile and authorize it to access your Twitter account.


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