
Eero the Best Wi-Fi Routers: No More Dead Zones

Written by prodigitalweb

Eero: The Next Generation Wi-Fi – Mesh which Spread Internet around House

Eero, the next generation Wi-Fi is not about bigger routes but about deploying a fleet of reduced ones. Routers tend to struggle with remoteness and intrusion though works amazingly in teams. Hence in huge or hard-to-network home, the latest knowledge is in putting an access point upstairs, downstairs and in the troublesome side room which tends to link wireless with each other thus forming a mesh which seems to spread the internet all around the house.

Sometime back a real good Wi-Fi router was priced at $200 and now these mesh systems tend to cost $350 and above. One may wonder whether these prices are worth paying. A home mesh system known as Eero was introduced last February and since then several other companies have joined the bandwagon.


Other start-up comprising of Luma as well as big router makers like Linksys and D-Link had also announced their intentions of similar Wi-Fi products in the next few months. Eero’s distributed design seems to be a good idea and may be the future of how a Wi-Fi may be set up at home. Several things tend to disrupt wireless signals inclusive of beams together with other wireless devices as well as individuals. Moreover, data demands too have mounted.

Eero’s Data Highway Wider Not Longer

Streaming Netflix, Skyping together with accessing the cloud all tend to tax Wi-Fi coverage which has increased with each family members. The new generation of Wi-Fi tech, the prevailing hit flavours is known as 802.1lac which has improved in carrying more data as well in delivering it swiftly.


However the data highway has been made wider and not longer. A way out has been in investing in a network extender, a separate device which can connect to the main Wi-Fi router, wirelessly.Eero is the answer in making your home Wi-Fi work the way one would find at a big campus, an airport or hotel where one tends to automatically come around to the nearest wireless access point and not change networks.

Eero has worked a way in accomplishing this completely via sandwich-size wireless access points one would allocate in the house. They instantly tend to form their own mesh which enables them to share Internet access as well as beam data to the device from any nearest box.


Eero System Works like Relay Race

The smart software of it is the real hero. When you plug the first Eero to your Internet modem, then Eero’s iPhone or Android app tends to utilise Bluetooth in locating and configuring each hub. The app then checks for intrusion and initiates the user to move your Eeros if required.The system tends to work like a relay race, behind the scene.

Eero A which is hard-wired in the modem tends to sprint data to Eero B that picks it and sprints it to Eero C and then beams data to the laptop if it is at the distant end. It does not seem to provide some of the security and network management tools one would discover anywhere, such as Google’s OnHub and some of these could be augmented to Eero in the near future. Eero is already adequately smart to update its own software.


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