
Intel RealSense SDK Architecture

Written by prodigitalweb

Intel RealSense SDK – Different Architecturally from Its Predecessor

The Intel RealSense SDK is different architecturally from its predecessor, the Intel® Perceptual Computing SDK and if a developer has utilised the Intel Perceptual Computing SDK for the development of app, they will observe the difference of the new SDK which provides an enhanced programming model in accessing the modalities via many of the widespread application development frameworks while making improvements to the API access mechanism for most of the supported app development structure.

The consistency in API access along with the improved middleware develops a compelling platform for app developers to discover the world of computing with the use of senses. The I/O module, SDK Core together with the algorithm models establishes the groundwork of the SDK stack while the SDK Core supports in managing application pipeline implementation and I/O modules.

With the Intel RealSense SDK one can access to strong, natural human computer interaction – HCIalgorithm modules to constitute the middleware for the purpose of hand tracking, face detection, gesture recognition, and voice detection together with other modalities. With the SDK one can create Windows desktop application offering state-of-the-art user experiences.

The Hierarchical Structure Flatter with Easy Access

Interfaces for application development is exposed by the algorithms through app development frameworks like -C++, C#, Java, Unity software, Processing, and much more and Intel ReaslSense SDK application is on top of this stack. App developers who have been familiar with the Intel Perceptual Computing SDK will notice the enhancement wherein the earlier SDK’s interface was useful only with the Unity and Java frameworks.

Most of the functions of SDK were accessible to the C++/C# developers, resulting in unwarranted disadvantage to Unity together with other application developments frameworks and the Intel RealSense SDK addressed this limitation in providing a uniform access to the core as well as middleware abilities via the specially designed interfaces for every individual framework.

The interface structure in Intel Perceptual Computing SDK was very hierarchical and performance of simple tasks needs long system of configuration, initialization and data recovery operations. The hierarchical structure is now flatter in Intel RealSense SDK enabling easier access to its modalities as well as capabilities.

3D Component

Besides the overall SDK stack which has been redesigned one will also observe that more than 50%of the Intel perceptual Computing SDK APIs are changed in the Intel RealSense SDK. Several of these changes branch out from the fact that there is a 3D component to the Intel RealSense SDK which tends to enhance the way some of the prevailing modalities such as the hand and face tracking function.

One can be a part of the first innovators, creating a new user experience with Intel RealSense technology which is a combination of hardware, software together with a 3D camera, changes wherein user could interact with their devices and the world that surrounds them.

With the SDK and the Intel developed 3D camera, one can differentiate the app as well as create new experiences and both tools are essential in enabling apps with Intel RealSense technologies. One can download the Intel RealSense SDK for Windows to create great apps which take full advantage of Intel RealSense technologies together with the amazing RealSense 3D camera.


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