
Keen- Google’s new Project to Curate and Share

Keen- Google’s new Project to Curate and Share
Written by prodigitalweb

Google has recently announced a new pet project of sorts known as Keen. Keen is an application which refers areas of interest to you. It’s something like Pinterest but not quite. Have I managed to confuse you? Well in a short while all that confusion will be sorted out. Keen happens to be a machine learning app that recommends web pages to users based on what they like to browse. This is something that may merit further investigation. So let’s take a look shall we?

So what is Keen really?

Keen is an experimental app that has been started by Google’s Area 120. Area 120 is a small group of collaborators on startup projects. These projects mostly deal with innovative ideas and bringing them to life. Keen is one such project.

Share your passion with the world

According to Google’s recent post, Keen was developed out of a conversation in which a husband and wife were discussing the things that mattered to them and how could they share those things with each other as well as the world.

So on begins a quest for finding links and articles that were most relevant to their respective passions. In the process, the Googler identified a need for a place to not only curate and share ideas but also a place where the tool itself would generate similar content. Thus started it.

It becomes a source where all your passions are put in one place. Not only this, the machine learning app then curates ideas, links, resources based on your preferences and passions. It can be made public- if you wish to share all your passions with the world or could be kept private- for your eyes only or maybe even can be shared with certain people.

Keen Similarities with Pinterest?

Some may say that Keen is so much like Pinterest. And in a way it is. Just as Pinterest is a place where you can collate data based on what you like the best, it is like that too. The only difference is that Keen uses Google’s search engine as well as machine learning to get more of what you like. This is all done based on your preferences, previous searches among others.

The more you use the app, the more Google Keen uses your history in getting more things you like for your perusal. Based on the content you save- web searches, images, links and texts, each of this data gets more added to your account.

Google Keen a New Traffic Stimulator:

It now represents potential for being a new traffic stimulator. With other people seeing what you like and are interested in, this becomes a hot spot for advertisers. With Keen opening up new possibilities in which you can discover web content, the popularity of the tool will increase.

Keen is a proactive application in that it gives you data before you ask for it. While all other web browsers tend to be reactive in that you have to first ask for what you want to see and only then does it show you various results.

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