
How to Get Special Face Filters by Following AR Creators on Instagram

Special Face Filters
Written by Andy Prosper

Special Face Filters are all the rage now, Especially since Instagram added a slew of cool effects to play around with. But in spite of a lot of special effects there are still many face filters out there that are way cooler and aren’t really found. So how do you actually find these face filters and try them out. In this article we look at how to get special face filters by following AR creators on Instagram.

This simple way to get cool Instagram special face filters is to follow the people who create them. But to make it more simpler we’re here to show you how to get special face filters by following AR creators on Instagram.

How to get special face filters by following AR creators on Instagram:

The simple trick to get hidden Instagram filters on your camera story is by following those who create them. The most famous of all Instagram face filter creators is Johanna Jaskowa. But there are still others who make much more.

Jaskowa has about six filters on Instagram. These filters add special effects to your face without actually covering your entire face. If you want to get your hands on such face filters then all you have to do and as mentioned a couple of times earlier is to follow the creator. After following them, all her face filters will be scattered under the filter section in the Instagram story camera. Jaskowska’s filters are not only distinct because of her unique style but also because her tag will appear at the top of your display when choosing her filter.

Another way in which you can learn how to get special face filters by following AR creators on Instagram, is by following another Instagram user by the name of George Kedenburg III, Besides being an Instagram user, George is also an Instagram product designer and is also involved in Spark AR. With his face filters you’ll be thrown in a windows like environment and will also get to use a battery indicator above your head.

How to Find Other Face Filter creators in the process of following AR creators on Instagram:

If you’re looking out for a more comprehensive list of face filters, effects and creators then lenslist is your go to place. This platform not only allows you to discover new creators and effects but also allows you to search for whatever it is you are looking for. In case you’re a creator and would like to share your creations then lenslist allows you to do that also.

Lenslist not only covers face filters that you can use exclusively on Instagram but also on other platforms such as Facebook and Snapchat as well.

To add to your list of face filters you can even check your suggestions after following a face filter creator. It should be filled with creators just like the one you’ve just started following. This is a simple way to learn how to get special face filters by following AR creators on Instagram.

About the author

Andy Prosper