
Huawei Mate 9 Phones Unveiled After Note 7 Meltdown

Huawei Mate 9
Written by prodigitalweb

Samsung Note 7 debacle has left the high end note segment completely of any remarkable offering. Huawei is looking forward to cover the lost ground of Samsung in this segment by releasing of its own range of Mate 9 flagship devices. Huawei Mate 9 Smartphone will feature the latest version of Android ‘Nougat’ and Huawei Mate 9 will come in two distinct designs.

Consumers will get to choose from the standard model with 1080p full HD display and a limited edition Porshe-branded Huawei Mate 9 device having twice the resolution. Huawei has proclaimed at the launch that it has mastered the process of eradicating the slowing down of Smartphone over the time.

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This can be seen as a marketing gimmick to woo the customers towards the Chinese brand which doesn’t have huge appeal among the consumers out of Mainland China.

Samsung Note Recall left the Note segment wide open

It has been widely documented how Samsung has to finally recall and scrap its flagship Note 7 after continuous report of catching fire. Earlier Samsung has blamed this fault to the malfunctioning battery used in the Note 7 and even went towards changing the battery manufacturer.

But problems continued for the Samsung as even the replaced Smartphone started exploding which eventually resulted in the discontinuation of the manufacturing and scrapping of about 4.3 million already manufacture Note 7 devices.

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Huawei Mate 9 devices doesn’t differ much from the Samsung Note 7 as it also comes with the supercharging battery technology which helps in getting a day’s worth of battery life within 30 minutes of charging. It can be charged to its full potential in 90 minutes which can save users from keeping their phones connected with the charging port all the time.

A number of analysts have predicted that Huwaei will benefit from the absence of the Note 7 and it will gain huge market within a short time on global level with Huawei Mate 9 devices.

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Huawei Mate 9 set to give stiff competition to rivals

Huawei Mate 9 biggest competitor will be Apple iPhone 7 Plus which the largest among the iPhone devices released last month. Apple was not ready for the recall of the Note 7 which has resulted in huge demand of the Plus models and even created a backlog in orders at Apple. Google has also tried to make most of the Samsung debacle by launching its Pixel XL Smartphone.

Google doesn’t command much recognition and distribution channels across the globe to push its products among wider audience. It has locked itself in a number of exclusive deals with telecom operators in the key markets of US, Australia and UK. On other hand Huwaei has boosted its production capabilities in order to meet any kind of high demand for Huawei Mate 9 devices.

Huawei currently commands 7.6% of the global Smartphone market share due to its unprecedented success I the China. Huawei has state that it has drafted a plan to replace Apple in next two next and to emerge as the best selling brand by 2020.


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