Apps Do It Yourself Internet Security Technology

What is OMACP? How to Fix OMACP Vulnerability?

What is OMACP? How to Fix OMACP Vulnerability?
Written by prodigitalweb

In most cases, you can see that people are using Android devices, but they don’t know about the Omacp and the android virus that can easily affecting it. That malware that infected can destroy the functionality of android devices. It is seen that almost many android users face the virus for their ignorance. If you are not willing to encounter such android virus, you should know what it is.

What is OMACP?

OMACP is an application that provides you with all information related to bugs, vulnerability, problems, etc. Hackers and developers can trigger the bugs. The meaning of the term is Obnoxious Mobile Application from Accursed Pirates.

The app helps you configure cellular activity in mobile phones with MediaTek processors. However, it can work as an android virus and enter your mobile from unauthorized sources. The primary issue is that most people don’t know its meaning. In addition, it can slow down the device and store necessary information.

Samsung and Vivo android mobiles are popular for being affected by this virus. A virus infection affects the storage and apps of your android system. The messaging apps, system apps, etc., are the common targets. A long-awaited message can also appear before you without any

subject or text. Users have said that they experienced a pop-up message asking, “Text Messaging-Unfortunately OMACP has stopped!”.

What Causes OMACP to Attack Android?

Usually, a malicious link is the actual source of any virus attack. But, sometimes, you can see a few links or URLs in your text message or WhatsApp, and the links claim to win a surprise prize or lottery.

When you tap on the links mistakenly, these redirect you to a malicious web address. Then, the virus is installed directly on the mobile.

If you visit illegal movie download websites, the virus can appear in your system. Many pop-up ads are there that claim to install a few specific apps to expand the RAM or free up the phone’s memory size. Now, you know about the virus and its causes. You have to diagnose the Android device to know if any virus is there.

How to Ensure Your Android Device is being not affected by The Virus:

If it is an OMACP virus, you might not be capable of detecting this initially. The main reason is that it is hard to detect the virus during the starting phase. However, you may know if the virus has eaten up the storage or destroyed it. This virus can influence the performance of the device negatively.

If you are willing to know how to detect the influence of the virus, you should go through a messaging app. If a virus affects your device, the messaging application can take up lots of space. Therefore, if you see that the messaging app takes up lots of space like 1GB, ensure that it is a malware attack.

How to Identify Omacp In Vivo? 

In most cases, the viruses enter our system silently and begin to affect your system without letting us know. However, it is hard to identify the virus in Vivo or any other device. However, if you use a Samsung mobile device, you can identify it by analyzing the app management storage.

The messaging app in your device can use unusual data storage, and it is a beneficial process to identify viruses. If you find the messaging app using unnecessary memory, then it is a malware attack for sure.

Should you remove Omacp Android?

When the virus enters your device, it begins consuming more data and filling out the mobile memory. As a result, no more data will be left for other images, apps, and videos.

Therefore, it is vital to disable the malware and remove it after locating this. If you don’t do this, it can consume other apps’ data. It doesn’t merely fill up the space in your mobile, but it can also corrupt the apps. All of these are happening due to junk data included in your device.

How to remove OMACP malware from Android devices:

You should evaluate the messaging app to ensure if your device is affected due to the virus. But hence, you should know how you can remove the virus from your android mobile. As soon as you confirm that your device contains the virus, then go through the methods given underneath. Thus, you can easily get rid of the virus.

Ensure that you are not backing up any essential data like files, videos, images, and other things in the external storage. You must keep the vital files away from the malware not to be lost.

Shut Down Android Device:

In this case, you are required to turn off the device first if you find the virus available on your device. When you power off the device, it will instantly stop from direct impact and the method.

However, you can see the virus’s origins and the best solutions for the model. When you remove the viruses from the android phone, it will consume several minutes. But the process can be done in a few minutes if you follow our steps.

Delete Omacp Infected Apps:

Usually, the android virus cause affects the system of any device most. However, it is the infected apps that help you to do so. Therefore, it is vital to remove the apps from the devices and free them from malware.

The virus initially attacks the system apps. You are capable of removing these through the app management system. In this case, you should perform the affected apps in some seconds.

  • Your first job is to navigate to the settings of your device.
  • Then, your task is to find the app management option.
  • You should check the data of the installed app. Then, recognize the apps that use uncommon space.
  • Finally, you should remove the apps with abnormal data usage.

Transfer the Data to Cloud:

If you are willing to remove the virus from your mobile, we recommend keeping the backup of the essential data stored on your Android. The reason is that the malware or virus removing procedure can destroy the data entirely. However, it is not a good idea to take a local backup because the process will carry harmful viruses along with the files.

A cloud storage service comes with a default virus scanner. It helps to scan malicious viruses if there are any on the file. In this case, you need to ensure that the backed-up data doesn’t contain any viruses and other malware.

Identify the infected app on the App Drawer:

After keeping the backup of all, you need to look for the application infected by the virus. First, move to the App manager and then verify the virus infection. But to do this, you are required to head towards the App manager and then to the default messaging app.

Move to the App Properties and then check whether the messaging app is consuming additional space than intended or not. Again, it is an obvious symptom of the virus. Just move to the App Manager messages. Then, it would be best if you go towards storage and then clear all data.You will recognize that OMACP is consuming an abnormal space. Click delete, and the virus will be gone from your phone.

Check for the Malicious Apps:

In this case, you should move to the Settings and then App Manager. After that, you should check whether any suspected app is installed on your device. As soon as you see this, you are required to eliminate the app. Then, you should ensure that you have cleared the cache data after removing all the potential viruses.

You need to clear the cache partition on the device. As soon as it is completed, you should restore all the backup data from cloud storage. Then, see the symptoms to ensure that the virus is removed entirely from the device.

Common Signs of Omacp Android Virus:

Whether you are willing to know if the device has been infected with the virus, go through the messaging app.

Here, we have given a few signs that you can check to see if a virus attacks your device.

Device battery depletes quickly:

When a virus enters your device, it runs continuously in the background. As a result, your device’s battery is going down fast. Therefore, if you see a device battery depletion while using your mobile normally, it can be this malware.

Data use spikes:

You might see a vast increase in data usage. Despite having typical usage, if there is an unexpected surge in mobile data usage, you can ensure that the virus is present.

Unusual app shut down:

When your device is OMACP-infected, it will shut down apps automatically. An occasional pop-up message appears asking that an app has crashed to operate with a red “x” button.

Blank messages delivered automatically:

The default messaging application can deliver empty messages automatically. Usually, the note does not contain any data. Besides, the language is not understandable to the people. If you see these warning messages on the Android device, then make sure that the virus is present on your mobile. We advise that you repair your Android and scan your device for this specific malware activity.

How to Detect OMCAP Virus-Infected Apps on App Manager:

  • First, head towards the settings option and open it on Android.
  • Then, you are required to tap on the settings of the app.
  • After that, your job is to move to the message application option.
  • After that, tap on the storage option.
  • Now, you can find a few abnormal storage spaces consumed by a virus. Hence, you are required to delete the virus only.

How to Stay Safe from OMACP Virus:

You are capable of deleting the malware easily from your device. But apart from deletion, you should also stay away from it. The ways to stay safe from the virus are as follows:

Do not download apps from unknown sources:

If you want to ensure that your device is safe from the virus, you should not download and install apps from unknown sources. The reason is that the Mod apps can contain malware.

Never tap suspicious links:

The first thing you must do to save your device from malware or virus is to not tap on suspicious links. If you find anything strange, try not to tap on those links. When you visit dubious websites, malware can appear.

Enable the Google Play Protect Security:

Google Protect is a security feature that comes default with your system. It offers safety from potentially harmful apps while installing these on an android device. It indicates that each installed software is virus-free. The software keeps the application wholly protected and free of harmful programs. These are used for accessing your Android’s data.

Update your Android apps:

You should make sure to keep the apps continuously updated to the latest versions. First, you might need to configure the Google Play Store for updating apps automatically. After that, you are capable of updating apps automatically.

Never install Anti-Virus software on android devices:

You can avoid the infection by refraining antivirus software or apps from downloading unreliable sources.

Uninstall all the apps from unknown sources:

Removing malicious apps from Android allows you to keep the apps safe. Ensure that you have uninstalled unauthorized apps that are not a part of your device’s actual package. You are required to go through all the permissions given before downloading.

Try not to connect your device to public Wi-Fi:

Wi-Fi is an excellent location for viruses as well as malware. Therefore, you should avoid using public Wi-Fi. If you don’t want the malware on your device, you should not sign into any open Wi-Fi hotspots. That’s why if you’re going to keep your device free from viruses, then you should stay out of such places. It will help to safeguard the protection of your private data.

OMACP Removal Guide Samsung:

The app is installed in Samsung mobiles to use the MMS & SMS services and view the notifications properly. Ensure that you have cleared all the storage of the Messaging app from your device settings.

OMACP in Vivo:

Vivo mobiles come with this default app in your system. It is used to configure SIM, identify issues, bugs in device security, etc. However, according to research, it can add viruses and malware.

Is Omacp virus?

It is a dangerous virus and a MediTek security vulnerability of High severity.


We have covered here all the things that are necessary about the app. As soon as you detect a virus, you can take instant action. In case you take action in delay, it can be too late. The app is known to infect messaging apps.

Frequently Asked questions: 

  • What is Omacp Android App?

Previously, it was available as a MediaTek component used for SIM Configuration. But later, it became an Android security vulnerability of High Severity.

  • Is Omacp safe?

The app is patched in your device and safe hence. However, it opens loopholes for the hackers, and as a result, they can access your device.

  • Can you force stop omacp?

When you choose the “Omacp” option, it opens an App Info page. The options that turn off or force stop will become grayed out. You won’t find any uninstall option there. It has only enabled Phone & SMS permissions.

  • Should you disable Omacp?

Yes, it is possible to disable the app. But it may start using other apps’ storage space.

  • What is MediaTek Omacp?

It is an application that enables you to see the received texts and multimedia messages. In addition, the internal app can run different internal methods that allow you to send and receive messages on your device.

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