
10 Best Apps to Organize Your Life

Best Apps to Organize Your Life
Written by prodigitalweb

Do you aware there are some best apps available to organize your life?

Living your life in an organized way is often essential for any person. In this modern world, life has been messy sometimes, so you have to be organized to lead your life fullest.

Staying organized in your life helps you to be on track with your daily endless to-do list and can help you get out of daily struggle. If you are striving to lead an organized life, then you can make use of these ten best apps to organize your life in 2020.

These apps are the best apps to organize your life and lead a productive life. Usually, it’s quite easy to mess up things in our day to day life as the information is scattered across different items.

So, to stay organized, these apps will help you increase your productivity and make you accomplish all the activities you have to do that day.

Let’s check out the best apps to organize your life in 2020, list.

Best Apps to Organize your life in 2020:

These apps are the best apps to organize your life in 2020. They are available in both android and IOS platforms. So, let’s get into the list of these 10 best apps to simplify your apps in 2020.

Best Apps to Organize Your Life- IFTTT:

If you’re striving to stay organized life, then you have to use the IFTTT app. Here the IFTTT stands for “If this then that”, it is a widely popular app which is useful beyond your dreams. This app is quite useful when you’re overwhelmed by the multiple apps and different functions.

The IFTTT app helps you to simplify things in your digital life. This app gives you several options to connect with all the services; you need which are called “applets”. These applets will automate your daily tasks and workflow, and whether you’re using the apps or websites, it can automate the task.

Ex: When someone comment on your WordPress blog, you can choose IFTTT automatically to email users.

Install an applet to turn on and off your lights when someone parks a car in the garage.

These are some of the examples. Apart from these, you can post your photo anywhere on social media and see it everywhere with IFTTT as well.

Best Management Tool Trello:

Trello is one of the best project management and task management tool you should consider in 2020. This app helps you to lead an organized and better life with its powerful features.

Whether you are working with a team or maintaining your independent projects in order, Trello will be a useful tool for you to track the progress and organize the ideas.

This exclusive app breaks your project or business down to a series of boards where you create a series of to-do lists. If you want to use the Trello more means, you can use built-in Butler workflow automation. This lets your robots work, and boost your productivity by unleashing the power of automation. It removes all the tedious tasks from your to-do lists as well.

This app is one of the best apps to organize life in 2020. You should consider it if you require project management apps.

Best Apps to Organize Your Life Productivity- EverNote:

EverNote is one of the vital apps in today’s life. It’s a simple yet powerful note-taking app that increases your productivity and helps you stay organized in life.

This tool is useful for all the people, and it can be used to monitor the entire team as well. You can keep track of all the to-do lists, web clippings, photos, drawings, and almost everything. You can integrate this with all devices and apps as well. Apart from that, you can collaborate with other apps in both mobile app and web browser form as well.

With this tool, you can stay organized wherever you are. You can plan, keep records, and even manage projects from any device. The best part is that even when you are offline, you can work on your projects.

Wunderlist, Best Apps to Organize Your Life Smartly:

Wunderlist is another fantastic tool, which helps you to plan your day smartly. If you ever, need to pick up groceries on the way home? Then you can use wunderlist to remind you when you are leaving your workplace. You can use this app for creating tasks, getting reminder alerts, due dates, assign to others and more.

With this app, you can do all the little tasks to significant work on projects. The best part is you can even collaborate with your team on this app. It’s a well accomplished all-round task management app which you have to consider.

You can access wunderlist from anywhere and capture and retrieve lists across the devices as well. Use this best app to organize your life in 2020.

Pocket, Best Apps to Organize Your Life Reading Habit:

Pocket is one of the best apps for reading. You can efficiently fuel your knowledge with the help of this Pocket App because of that i have included it. Whenever you find a great article on the web, and don’t have time to read that article? Then you can save that article with a pocket. Pocket is a simple browser extension that properly syncs with your app on your devices.

When you find an article, image, video or anything on the web interesting you can save it or “pocketed” it. Then it will be available for you to view offline in the app. It’s a handy feature in today’s fast paced world. If you want to tag anything to pocket means? You can even do that with categorizing the check out later list.

This is definitely the best app to organize your life in 2020. So, Start fueling your knowledge with pocket.

If your Outlook or Gmail inbox is making you frustrated or getting out of hand? Then can help you out with its super easy to unsubscribe all the junk in your inbox at one click. So, it can simultaneously streamline almost everything you need.

With their fantastic “round-up” feature, you can receive all subscriptions in a daily email – So, this makes your morning perfect as you don’t miss out on the important emails.

This particular app is worth using. That’s why I have included this in Best apps to organize your life in 2020.

TripIt Best Apps to Organize Your Travel Life:

Travelling is always a great experience, but this can turn stressful with boarding passes, hotel bookings, itineraries and other aspects. So, to avoid those stressful aspects, you have to use TripIt.

TripIt simplifies your journey as it takes everything you need to travel and properly streamline it in a single spot. You can easily name your trips, and import all travelling stuff with dates, set reminders, and have everything ready. With tripit, you will have all the required hotel booking confirmation, plane tickets, boarding pass and all information at a single place. So, you don’t have to worry about those while you travel.


These days, almost all people love to lead a social life because they love sharing posts, pics and videos. If you want to be a social media pro? Then you have to use a social media management tool such as Hootsuite. It’s a unique tool that can help you schedule all your social media posts.

As a user, all you have to do is schedule your post. Just by specifying time in the to-do list app because it can schedule your post. You can post all the social media posts with this except Instagram as their API doesn’t allow other third-party apps to publish posts.

The best part of this tool is it analyzes all the follower’s data. So, it suggests the best times to post mainly for higher engagement.

Best Apps to Organize Your Healthy Life- My Fitness Pal:

Fitness is often crucial in your life to stay healthy. If you are trying to lose weight or want to build your body or gain weight. Then My Fitness Pal app has got you covered. Not only this app, you’ll find out the number of apps in this category. I’m listing out this app because it has a massive database of foods with complete nutrition information required about the meals.

You can find out what meal is required to lose weight or to put up weight in this app. Apart from that, it covers all the exercises, foods, recipes, and so on.

With this app, you can set goals, see your macros, and do more things. This is one of the best apps for organizing your life because it helps you to stay fit. This can help you a lot in your life. That’s why I have included this app in the post of best apps to organize life in 2020.

24 me:

24me is a popular personal assistant app; you should try out to stay organized in your life. This app allows you to generate both physical and digital tasks in the to-do list. You can do almost anything in the to-do section with this app. This has a nice and simple calendar view with attractive colours to grab the attention of users as well.

If you have to pay any bills, then will provide the link to it and remind you of paying bills. With all these features, this app helps organize life, so I have included it in the best apps to organize life in 2020.

These are the 10 best apps to organize your life in 2020. If you want to check out more apps then follow this post as I’ll be updating it on a regular basis.

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