
Hands On with Apple’s Beats X Earphones

Beats X
Written by prodigitalweb

Apple has revealed its Beats X earphone way back in September but its production and availability remained a mystery for all. Finally after five months of wait consumers will get a chance to buy the Beat X earphones from the nearby stores with ease. Beats X has price-tag of $129.95 which is bit on the high side but it promises to offer a remarkable listening experience. This Beats X earphone has a wraparound ‘flex-form’ cable which goes behind the neck thereby offering much flexibility to the users in moving around while listening to the music. It also comes with swappable earbuds which can be changed as per the need of the users.

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Beats X, More colors to choose from

Apple is offering Beat X earphone in four different colors of while, black, blue and grey. Out of the box users will get a shortened lightning cable which measures nothing more than the length of banana and it will be used for charging the earphone. Users will also get a little black rubber pouch to store their Beats X earphone in a safe place when they are not hung round the neck.

The wingtips tight design ensures that the user is completely free from distraction while listening to music with this earphone. Another nice feature this Beats X earphone is that it has a smart magnetic snapping functionality which keeps the earphone dangling around the neck. This design is nice and smart move by the Beats to ensure that earphone doesn’t falls out or get tangled in any fashion.

In spite of doing all great enhancements to the Beats X earphone Apple has missed a spot here. B&O Play H5 also possess a similar kind of magnetic functionality but it also comes a smart feature wherein the earpieces tends to snap together in place & playback is paused automatically in order to save the battery life.

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Battery & performance of Apple Beats X Earphone

The only down side of the Apple Beat X earphone is that it has a poor battery life which tends to drain faster than expected. One has to deliberately ensure that the playback is stopped or powered off completely after each use in order to make the battery last longer. Taking calls on this earphone is a sublime experience wherein the call quality is unmatchable and conversing with others is as good as it should be.

Beats X Earphones

This earphone has the volume and section switches placed around the cable make it easier to control the volume or disconnect the call with ease and grace.

It is hard to say that Beats X is not a worthy earphone to buy this year. The highlights of this device is that it has great sound, a comfortable grip and feel and can be worn for long hours at a stretch though the battery life a concern. In the next iteration of the Beats X earphone having a noise cancellation feature will certainly help in further boosting the capability and listening experience for the consumers.

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