Internet Technology

How to Charge Laptop with HDMI? Effortlessly Boost Performance

How to Charge Laptop with HDMI?
Written by prodigitalweb

Is your laptop charger not working? Do you want to know about other ways? For example, you may have heard that it is possible to use a HDMI cable. But do you know how to charge laptop with HDMI? In this article, we have answered the question.

Nothing worse can happen than breaking a machine charger mistakenly. If you want, you can go in other ways.

Can We Charge Your Device with HDMI?

Your machine charger can malfunction in the future, which is highly probable. At that moment, you can’t rush down to the store and grab a new charger. Unfortunately, when the machine battery is down, you must power it up to use.

So, what you will use as your alternative. Fortunately, it is possible to use HDMI to charge a machine when your device supports it, and there is no need to have a device coming with a HDMI port.

How to charge Laptop with HDMI?

Hence, your job is to charge your Laptop using High-Definition Multimedia Interface. Sometimes, you may have misplaced or malfunctioned chargers. In this case, your task is to go through the steps to charge the device with a HDMI cable.

Step 1:

Your first task is to ensure that your device comes with a HDMI adapter cable and an adapter or connector to convert High-Definition Multimedia Interface.

You can not use the alternative charging source if it is unable, and the reason is that the cord becomes useless without the port or connector. Therefore, your first task is ensuring the required resources are available.

Step 2:

Now, your job is to attach your cable to an LCD TV compatible with High-Definition Multimedia Interface. First, you need to take the help of the HDMI connector. After that, you should attach another end of the HDMI cable with it.

A machine with a HDMI port can offer the best advantage because it doesn’t need multiple accessories. In this case, you only require some things to charge your device with the help of a HDMI cable, indicating that you can charge a laptop, a notebook, and a Chromebook.

Step 3:

You need to check the connection twice to view if the port can work flawlessly. Whether you find the device coming on, ensure that your device is charging successfully.

If you have not seen this, your job is to disconnect the HDMI cord. After that, you need to connect it again to the device until you notice any difference. If all the things are static, you may face an issue with the power source.

If you are willing to use the process, you will require a few things, including a TV supporting HDMI in port and an HDMI cable.

Hence, you need to connect the HDMI cable to your TV’s High-Definition Multimedia Interface for the connection. After that, your task is to connect the adapter with the device port.

In addition, you have to ensure that your television is in excellent working condition and the connection is very secure. If necessary, try to connect the HDMI cable to another television to remove the issue. Whether you can still not charge the device, ensure the problem is with the HDMI port or the device itself. Check other things if required to narrow down what the issue is. Ensure that you must not remove the wire until you can charge the device.

How to Charge Laptop with Type-C Cord:

These modern devices have Type-C Ports. The benefit of having type-c ports is that we have plenty of options to attach and charge the device. You should go through the steps if you are willing to know how you should charge with the help of a HDMI cable and type-c port.

  • Your first task is to attach the HDMI wire to the TV.
  • Next, you need to attach the High-Definition Multimedia Interface to a type-C converter to the other end of the HDMI cable.
  • Use both type-C cords for attaching the converter to the device’s Type-C cable. Thus, it is possible to charge the device with type-C directly.
  • You can use the process as it works better than the earlier one. But it is essential to carry the converter. Thus, you can charge a device with Type-C, not a HDMI port.

Is it safe?

The charging adapters available with the devices can help to regulate voltage and current for charging the device. However, in these situations, you need to take the help of a High-Definition Multimedia Interface to see movies on the big screen and quality audio systems. Besides, High-Definition Multimedia Interface can offer a small amount of voltage or current, which is not ideal for electrical appliances.

However, we recommend you to charge the device with the help of an adapter if you get stuck poorly somewhere. Otherwise, we advise you to use the charging adapters coming with the device.

The Bottom Line:

Ensure that you must check all the connections if these are secured. Besides, you must ensure that the required adapters can connect your device and TV via a HDMI cable. It is possible to charge the device only via connecting the cable to the TV’s HDMI port and the High-Definition Multimedia Interface to the device. Thus, you know how to charge laptop with HDMI.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Are USB ports useful for laptop charging?

No, these are not so lucrative for your device charging. The ports generally offer power to plugins into other devices, which means you need to connect all battery solutions to USB ports for the device.

  • How to charge a Laptop with another one?

You can charge one device with other devices. Just place the battery into the other device with the same voltage. Then, if necessary, charge the battery on the other device and put it back into the device.

  • Can you charge your device from your monitor?

It is possible to drive the monitor and charge the machine once at a time with the same cable. As USB-C ports have a charging function, while connecting a USB-C monitor to a machine via USB-C, the ports are beneficial in different ways.

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